Twenties Girl

Twenties Girl - Sophie Kinsella Oh no, feeling a lack of wanting to write a review coming up. No inspiration at all. This will be short.Ok, so Lara has some stalker problems, that is she is pretty obsessed over her ex-boyfriend. But then at her great aunts funeral she hears something, and she can see her great aunt Sadie's ghost. A ghost who keeps complaining about her lost necklace. She wants Lara to find it. As if Lara didn't have enough problem with work that is falling apart. Soon Sadie is making changes cos she wants to have fun.Poor Lara, Sadie sure knew how to mix it up and trust me, she puts Lara in some pretty embarrassing circumstances. Sometimes I just put the book away and smiled a bit, while feeling embarrassed for her. But that is chick-lit, embarrassing moments is a must.But there is also romance, and not just cos she is half stalking her ex. No, she is being pushed somewhere else, even if she does not want it. But with all her faults, and good sides, Lara is a pretty nice person. The poor guy that comes in her and Sadi'es way is pretty nice too. Sadie is, well dunno about her, she is so happy and, well good at least for Lara. Who needs to find her groove again.I do like the shopaholic books more, sure I read this really fast, smiled a bit, but perhaps something was lacking to making it into great chick-lit. But as it was now it still was good, and made me happy.Can I really end here, I just started, but yes lack of inspiration today.Hm, also a bit of mystery when it comes for the hunt for the necklace, finding out about Sadie's past, meeting Lara's rich uncle, who is not so nice. Dealing with her family who only wants the best for her, struggling with a job she does not know how to do. And with a sprinkle of love and you haev teh book.But it also something more, about family.Blodeuedd's Cover Corner: Such nice colors, and makes me wanna pick it up.Reason for Reading: Library bookFinal thoughts: If you are looking for something light, but with some meaning still.